This Song Made Possible By:
Guild Guitar
Story by Sarah (age 13) | Partner Organization: Ronald McDonald House - Greater Cincinnati
When I Looked Out My Window
by Ballyhoo! | 240 PlaysNotes from the Songwriter
Be sure to contribute to my SMAS Jukebox!
This Song Made Possible By:
Guild Guitar
Story by Jerico, Noel and Miria (age 6, 11, 11) | Partner Organization: Camp Twin Lakes
Happy With Who You Are
by Nahko and Medicine for the People | 353 PlaysNotes from the Songwriter
Nahko and Medicine for the People Boulder, CO
Be sure to contribute to my SMAS Jukebox!
This Song Made Possible By:
Guild Guitar
Story by Noel (age 11) | Partner Organization: Camp Twin Lakes
Hero on the Horizon
by Voodoo Visionary | 41 PlaysNotes from the Songwriter
Voodoo Visionary Atlanta, GA
Be sure to contribute to my SMAS Jukebox!
This Song Made Possible By:
Guild Guitar
Story by Jerico (age 6) | Partner Organization: Camp Twin Lakes
If I Had a Pet Lion
by Hi Lo Ha | 94 PlaysNotes from the Songwriter
Hi Lo Ha San Francisco
Be sure to contribute to my SMAS Jukebox!
Cali Gabe 311 10/21/2016
Thank U Ballyhoo, cool song for great cause! Oddly enough, this is my first purchased Ballyhoo song.
Mike Kraut 08/19/2016
It's so cool that you guys did this!
Benjamin Slagle 08/11/2016
Keep writing kid!
Shane Craig 08/10/2016
Thanks for doing this guys! See you on the road!
Sam 07/28/2016
Awesome show of support!
Damian 07/28/2016
Keep rocking, this is a really good idea!
Jeremy 07/28/2016
Nicely done as usual guys, charity and music is an amazing combination. Thank you for doing this.