
Jam in the Desert

by Tyquan, Kade, Luke, Aiden, and Zachary (age 6, 9, 9, 7, 6) | Partner Organization: Bridges of Hope

A little boy named Jam was living in the desert. He wanted to leave because it was so hot and there was no water. He was saved by a hot air balloon that took him away at night. He saw Aliens, and when he woke up, it was all a dream.

3 Songs for this Story

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Notes from the Songwriter
Bill Larkin

Be sure to contribute to my SMAS Jukebox!

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Notes from the Songwriter
Magnolia Boulevard Lexington, KY

Be sure to contribute to my SMAS Jukebox!

0% of $1,000 goal reached
Notes from the Songwriter
Chris Ryan Weist Denver Colorado

Song about Jam's adventures on a hot air balloon meeting aliens!
